The Extra Mile Podcast
The Extra Mile Podcast
What Would Jesus Think of the Election?
There is a lot of talk these days about connecting hatred and Jesus. Perhaps you’ve heard “there’s no hate like Christian love.” The question is proposed of what would Jesus say about our recent political elections. The answer to that questions is already found on the pages of the New Testament without inference.
When questioned by the Pharisees regarding a recent political happening in Jerusalem under the Roman authority of Pontius Pilate. Some rebellious Jews fled to the Temple Mount and ascended the altar for sanctuary. Pilate had the cohort of Roman soldiers climb the ramp of the altar and kill those who were there.
“Unless you repent, you will likewise perish.” Jesus and His focus on the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven is evident in the Bible. Regardless of who won, what will you do to spread goodness and love in the world?
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The Extra Mile Podcast is a work of Milwaukee Ave Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX.
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