The Extra Mile Podcast

Coffee Talk - Lessons from Romans and Minecraft

Justin & G5 Episode 148

The letter to the Roman church gives us insight into the complex dynamics taking place in the first century as Greek and Jews embraced the new covenant of God’s family through Jesus. Paul makes an appeal to the reader to consider logic, understanding of your fellow man, and gives some principles about how to interact with people who are different to them. 

For us, the mindset of love and patience and understanding help tune our hearts to encouraging others. If we are ever haughty or think ourselves better than others, we have lost the mindset of love for our fellow man. These advanced concepts are for those dedicated to becoming the best disciple and example of love we can be to one another. 

Minecraft is a great game with potential for many variations of play styles and adventures. Justin describes a recent interaction with many parallels to Biblical principles. 

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