The Extra Mile Podcast

Remove Your Mask - Neil Tremblett

March 11, 2024 Justin & G5 Episode 132

Neil is preacher of Creekside Church of Christ in Franklin, IN. In addition to being a real estate agent, he is an advocate for realism among the family of God. Open about his youth, experiences in state homes and foster care, as well as personal abuse suffered, he is bold in his statements of redemption and the salvation of Jesus Christ. 

This short conversation is a conclusion of his time with the Milwaukee Ave church in Lubbock for a series of lessons with the congregation’s youth and worship services. 

He stands on the Bible and Jesus’s claims of being true and open about our sins and temptations. Why do we boast while being fake with our fellow man? Who are we impressing? The Bible says we are lying to ourselves and to God. Jesus says if we choose to be fake, or wear our mask, we have our reward in full. 

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