The Extra Mile Podcast

Evangelism and the Gospel (Caleb Speer)

February 26, 2024 Justin & G5 Episode 130

With a return to form, Caleb Speer gives us an update on his work in Utah at Kaysville Church of Christ. 

The gospel message is simple. So, we should keep it simple. When discussing spiritual matters, find the common ground in your discussion with gentleness and kindness. Is your desire to win a brother in Christ, or to win the argument? 

To our listeners who are members of the Mormon church or the Latter Day Saints, we extend a special invitation to you for love, study, and an examination of doctrine with the New Testament as standard. 

We hope that all consider the invitation to question and seek after the things above. Be kind to all and be a sower of the seeds of the kingdom. 

We would love to hear from you!
Instagram: @extramilepodcast